The following blue screen appears:
Solution 1
Review the Configure ggRock Guide, ensuring that your VHD image file was created correctly, including:
Disable Secure Boot (remove all keys)
Configure BIOS in UEFI mode (fall back to legacy mode if this fails) (Storage and PXE boot settings)
Additionally, as a troubleshooting step it can be helpful to boot the image in a VM with the following settings:
Solution 2
Ensure your Windows OS is correctly configured, including:
Disable Windows Updates (it is important to do this before you make your VHD with the ggRock IC tool)
Solution 3
Ensure that the hard drive or SSD has been removed from each Machine.
Solution 4
If your center has Machines with multiple different Network Cards or Motherboards, it is necessary to capture information on the network card from each different Motherboard/Network Card using the ggRock IC Tool. See the "Adding a New Machine Type to a ggRock Image using the ggRock Seamless Boot Procedure" guide for detailed steps.
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