How to Convert your Array from RAID0-RAID10 and RAID10-RAID0

This article details steps necessary to convert from a RAID0 Array configuration to a RAID10 redundant configuration and back again.


If you did not configure a redundant or parity-redundant drive configuration when your ggRock server was built, your data could be at risk cause by power outages, drive failures, unplanned drive removal, or other issues that could result in data loss. If you wish to convert back, simply reverse the steps.



  1. Back up images to prevent data loss. Please refer to "Backing Up Images" for more information.


  2. Click the "Array" tab in the menu bar to the left of the ggRock Web UI. Observe the initial RAID0 array configuration containing two (or more) Stripes with only one Drive in each.


  3. From the "Array" screen, click the "Array" menu (Three vertical dots) next to "Stripe 1 (SingleDrive)", then click the "+ Add Drive" context menu item.


  4. From the "Add Drive" dialog, click the "Add drive to stripe Stripe 1" drop-down, selecting a drive greater than or equal to the size of the current Drive in the Stripe, then click the "Save" button.


  5. From the "Array" screen, click the "Array" menu (Three vertical dots) next to "Stripe 2 (SingleDrive)", then click the "+ Add Drive" context menu item.


  6. From the "Add Drive" dialog, click the "Add drive to stripe Stripe 2" drop-down, selecting a drive greater than or equal to the size of the current Drive in the Stripe, then click the "Save" button.



  1. Back up images to prevent data loss. Please refer to "Backing Up Images" for more information.

  2. Click the "Array" tab in the menu bar to the left of the ggRock Web UI. Observe the initial RAID0 array configuration containing two (or more) Stripes with only one Drive in each.


  3. From the "Array" screen, click the "Array" menu (Three vertical dots) next to the Drive you wish to remove from the first Stripe, then click the "Remove Drive" context menu item.


  4. From the "Confirm Remove" dialog, place a check next to "Confirm" and click the "Confirm" button to remove the drive from the stripe.