- ggCircuit Help Center
- ggRock User Manual
- Troubleshooting - Boot
ggLeap User Manual
- Sales - Point of Sale
- Management - Users
- Configuration - Games and Apps
- Troubleshooting
- Management - Machines
- Management - Consoles
- Sales - Client Orders
- Reporting - Finance
- Getting Started
- Configuration - ggLeap Client
- Configuration - ggLeap Web Admin
- Start Up Commands
- Sales - Prize Redemption
- ggLeap Client
- Web Admin Settings
- Single Sign On (SSO)
- Configuration - Game Licenses
- Management - Machine Groups
- Getting Started with ggLeap
- Reporting - Statistics
- Management - Employee
- Sales - Guest Accounts
- Loyalty System
- Booking
- Events / Arcade
ggRock User Manual
- General
- Installation - Debian OS
- Installation - ggRock Server Application
- Administration - ggRock
- Administration - ggLeap
- Administration - Windows
- Administration - Debian OS
- Administration - Games
- Administration - Hardware
- Administration - Network
- Troubleshooting - ggRock
- Troubleshooting - Network
- Troubleshooting - ggLeap
- Troubleshooting - Hardware
- Troubleshooting - Boot
- Troubleshooting - Windows
- Troubleshooting - Games
- Troubleshooting - Debian OS
ggLeap Product Tours
Powering on all Machines in the center only results in a few being turned on
This article aims to help users understand why powering up their entire center through ggRock does not always result in all PCs turning on
If you power on numerous machines simultaneously and run into issues where only a few of your Machines will end up turning on. There can be several causes for that:
1. You might be running dry on bandwidth
2. You might be running out of IP addresses (each machine eats 2 addresses while booting)
Please make sure that neither is the case and then contact support or community channels.