When Origin shows an "ACTIVATION REQUIRED" message on the Origin Launcher, it means that it either does not allow games to be launched using the game’s AppID or it needs it, depending on the latest version of Origin.
If there is already an AppID in the game’s setting in the web admin and this message pops up, we need to remove the AppID, or the AppID could be wrong and needs to be updated.
The guide below will show you how to get the correct AppID of the game.
In this example, we will be getting Apex Legend’s AppID.
1. Put the client PC to Admin mode, then open File Explorer and type %ProgramData%\Origin\LocalContent.
2. Open the Apex Legend’s folder. Copy the name of one of the files, in this example with Apex Legends, it is Origin.OFR.50.0002694.
3. In the web admin, go to Settings > Client configuration > Games/Apps > Add New game/app and paste it on the Origin App ID field and click "Save".
4. Restart the PC.
NOTE: If you are unable to access the settings in the game where you can change the Origin App ID, contact Support via the chat widget in the web admin.