How to put a client PC in Admin mode (Windows desktop)?

This article provides different approaches on how to put a client PC in Admin mode.

Admin mode via the web admin

List view

1. In the PC Dashboard section, look for the PC that you want to put into Admin mode.
2. Click the three dots button on the right side and select Advanced > Admin mode in the drop-down menu.


Graphical view
1. Look for the PC that you want to put into Admin mode (the layout of the graphical view will vary).
2. Click the PC node and hover your mouse on "Ready". This should open the drop-down menu where you can select Advanced > Admin mode.


Admin mode via keyboard combination

1. If the web admin is inaccessible, you can go directly to the client PC and press the keyboard combination: Ctrl, Alt, Shift, and U
2. A login prompt will open and you will need to enter your web admin login credentials to put the PC in Admin mode.