ggLeap and ggRock Network Communication Requirements

This article aims to provide network communication requirements for cloud-hosted ggCircuit services

Outbound IPs

  • Fastly: ggLeap API runs through Fastly, requiring their outbound IPs for API access. These IPs change periodically, so subscribing to updates is recommended.


Addresses listed for API_GATEWAY are egress-only; no specific subset exists for SQS or API Gateway ingress.

Extracting IP Ranges with PowerShell

Use these PowerShell commands to extract IP ranges from the AWS JSON file:

  1. Install the AWS Tools module:

    Install-Module -Name AWS.Tools.Common
  2. Get and filter IPv4 IP prefixes:

    Get-AWSPublicIpAddressRange | where {$_.IpAddressFormat -eq "Ipv4"} | select IpPrefix

This outputs a list of IPv4 IP prefixes for configuring your network firewall or security group rules.

Additional Considerations

  • Firewall/Security Groups: Ensure your firewall or security group rules allow both inbound and outbound traffic to/from the specified IP ranges on the necessary ports (primarily tcp/443).
  • Regular Updates: IPs in these lists change periodically. Implement a process to keep these updated in your network configuration.
  • Testing: After making changes, thoroughly test your ggLeap and ggRock setup to ensure proper communication and functionality.