Enable games to appear on client PCs

1. Go to Settings > Client configuration > Games/Apps. By default, this will show the full catalog of games and apps already available in the web admin.

2. Search for a game you want to appear on your client PCs.

3. Click the box art of the game to edit the configuration.

4. Make sure that "Game" is selected in this field. 

5. Choose the genre(s) of the game.

6. Select the type of launcher (Steam, Epic, etc). If it is an executable type of game it will need a file path.

7. Select the PC group (if this feature is enabled) where the app will show up.

8. If this game uses the ggLeap license manager feature, please check "Use Automatic License System".  

9. This will prevent underage users from ever seeing this game in the client. Setting this to 0 will disregard the user's age.

10. This is where you will put the file path of the game if it is an executable type of game.

11. Add any additional launch parameters that are needed. Similar to launch options in Steam and others.

12. Enable the "Collect Replay" if you want to have the game replay be saved. (Working for Fortnite Replays).

13. Checking "Quicklaunch Menu" will allow the app to show up in the Quicklaunch area of the client regardless of the option you selected under "Application Type".

14. Applicable only for centers with multiple branches. Check this if you do not want to use licenses stored in the "parent" center.

15. Click on the Save button to have the changes made to the game take effect.

16. Be sure to enable the game by clicking the toggle in the upper left of the box art. Restart the  client PCs in order for the changes to take effect.