Configuring game time offers

Customize time offers based on your center's needs.

ggLeap handles both bulk time and special gaming time with "offers". Offers can be configured in a variety of ways to allow maximum flexibility.


To configure your offers, go to Settings > Shop Settings > Shop Configuration.

"Standard Pricing" and "Special Offers" sub-categories are created by default (they can be deleted or renamed). You can also add your own sub-category by clicking "+ Add subcategory".

"Standard Pricing" offers are basic pricing offers for commonly bought packages of time that have no restrictions on usage. Most centers would configure blocks of time from 15 minutes through to 10+ hours.

Click "Add Item" to create your own offer.

Standard Offer Settings

1 - Offer name (e.g. 1 Hour).

2 - Offer description (e.g. "Unrestricted time" - this description will appear in the client if it is enabled for the client shop).
3 - Sub-category where the offer is located.
4 - Price of the offer (check this article for user membership custom pricing).
5 - Add a coin bonus to the user's account upon purchase.

6 - Barcode generation for items, however, this is intended to track stock of physical items, so can be left blank.
7 - Enabling "Available for client orders" will allow this offer to be purchased in the client shop.
8 - Choose "Available for Quick Sale" if this will be a very commonly purchased offer and you want to add to the employee quick sale menu for rapid purchase.
9 - Choose "Unlimited stock" if you do not want to track inventory.
10 - Upload an image for this item either by uploading your own, or selecting from the ggLeap library.
11 - Set tax to be applied.

12 - Set the amount of gaming time this offer should add to the user's account.
13 - Enables user group discount to be applied.

14 - This will allow you to select which user group can purchase this offer.
15 - If Limited offer validity is enabled for PC grouping, this will allow you to select which PC group this offer can be used.
16 - Enables custom consumption rates to work on this offer.
17 - Sets the offer to start ticking down on first use or upon purchase.

Advanced Settings

Choose advanced settings if you wish to set limits or expiration on the offer.

1 - Choose the priority of the offer (if the gamer has multiple offers on his account, priority matters).

2 - Weekdays that the offer can be used.
3 - Choose the time frame when the offer can be used.
4 - Choose which dates the offer can be used.
5 - Choose what time an offer must begin (for example a 2 pm-5 pm offer must begin at 2 pm even if the gamer arrived late).
6 - Ability for the offer to expire at a fixed time regardless if the offer was used or not.
7 - Ability for the offer to expire in X days.
8 - Ability for the offer to expire in X hours.