- ggCircuit Help Center
- ggLeap User Manual
- Management - Users
ggLeap User Manual
- Sales - Point of Sale
- Management - Users
- Configuration - Games and Apps
- Troubleshooting
- Management - Machines
- Management - Consoles
- Sales - Client Orders
- Reporting - Finance
- Getting Started
- Configuration - ggLeap Client
- Configuration - ggLeap Web Admin
- Start Up Commands
- Sales - Prize Redemption
- ggLeap Client
- Web Admin Settings
- Single Sign On (SSO)
- Configuration - Game Licenses
- Management - Machine Groups
- Getting Started with ggLeap
- Reporting - Statistics
- Management - Employee
- Sales - Guest Accounts
- Loyalty System
- Booking
- Events / Arcade
ggRock User Manual
- General
- Installation - Debian OS
- Installation - ggRock Server Application
- Administration - ggRock
- Administration - ggLeap
- Administration - Windows
- Administration - Debian OS
- Administration - Games
- Administration - Hardware
- Administration - Network
- Troubleshooting - ggRock
- Troubleshooting - Network
- Troubleshooting - ggLeap
- Troubleshooting - Hardware
- Troubleshooting - Boot
- Troubleshooting - Windows
- Troubleshooting - Games
- Troubleshooting - Debian OS
ggLeap Product Tours
Adding Game Time to an Existing User
There are many ways to be able to add time and/or game time offers within the web admin. Here are the different ways which you can do so:
User Search
To add time to an existing user, search for them in the Dashboard (the search field is located on the upper right side of the screen). Once you see the user that you want, click the "more options" (three dots) button and you can add offers through "Quicksell".
NOTE: Do note that offers with Available for quick sale enabled are the only ones that will show up in "Quicksell".
From the User Profile
You can also add time by going to the user's profile. From there you can click "Start shopping" which is located on the upper right side of the screen or if you have Legacy mode enabled, you can select "Add time" from the option in the Time section of the user's profile.